My 2020 Wine, Travel, and Personal Goals

A new year and a new decade are here! Post-holiday indulgence, I’m embracing 2020 with gusto, ready to reflect, goal set, and contemplate on all the good that lies ahead. The next twelve months are shaping up to be the best yet – filled with many travels, friend reunions, and celebrations (including my wedding day in September – gasp!) Here are my 2020 wine, travel, and personal goals. I hope it inspires you to make some resolutions of your own!

2020 Wine Goals

Branch out from Napa Valley and try a new wine or wine region (I would love to visit Lodi Wine Country)

Become more involved in the local Napa wine community

Read more wine books (I currently have Craig and Kathryn Hall’s “A Perfect Score” and “What Makes a Wine Worth Drinking” on the docket)

Practice my Champagne sabering technique for the wedding day 😉

2020 Travel Goals

Visit at least one new state (South Carolina for my Bachelorette weekend and hopefully more plans to come!)

Take a trip abroad (London in May!)

Explore more of California

Book my honeymoon!

Try to make at least three tips back home

2020 Personal Goals

Write more

Be more mindful of my posture

Go to bed earlier

Run a 5k race

Encourage more friends and family to visit me in Napa

Try new recipes


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